REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS DRAINAGE ENGINEERING SERVICES The City of Hudson Oaks is requesting qualifications from qualified engineering firms to complete a Federal Bureau of Reclamation Study for drainage re-use and basin study. It is UNDERSTOOD that the City of Hudson Oaks reserves the right to negotiate all elements that comprise the response and to accept or reject part or all of any response. The request for Statement of Qualifications may be secured from the Citys website or City Hall at 210 North Lakeshore Drive, Hudson Oaks, Texas 76087 or via email at Shelley. Statement of Qualification submissions shall be addressed to the City Administrator, 210 North Lakeshore Drive, Hudson Oaks, Texas 76087 and will be received until 4:00 P.M. CST on September 10, 2015, at Hudson Oaks City Hall, 210 North Lakeshore Drive, Hudson Oaks, Texas. Qualifications shall be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked: Hudson Oaks Drainage Engineering Services RFQ 01-2015 Hudson Oaks, Texas