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(Published in The Norman Transcript August 23, 30, 2015, 2t) NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO AMEND EXISTING PERMIT TO USE GROUNDWATER PERMIT NUMBER 2010-513 Notice is hereby given that Taylor Ranch, L.L.C. c/o Chris Huston, 1529 24th Avenue SW, Norman, OK 73074, under the authority given in Oklahoma State Law, Title 82 §1020.7, has filed an application with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, pursuant to Board rules, to amend groundwater permit #2010-513 to withdraw and use an additional 59 acre-feet of groundwater for a total of 1,012 acre-feet of groundwater per calendar year for the purpose of municipal and rural water supply uses. An additional 29.5 acres have been dedicated to this application and are located as follows: W2 NE of Section 22, T8N, R2WIM, Cleveland County. This will bring the total land dedicated to the permit to 506 acres. Currently the permit authorizes one well located in the NE SE NW of Section 23, T8N, R2WIM, Cleveland County. No new ell locations are being requested. All other aspects of the permit remain the same. Use of groundwater is governed by Sections 1020.1 and following of Title 82 of the Oklahoma Statutes and rules of the Board, Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC), Title 785, Chapter 30. Protests to the application must be in writing and received by the Board at the address listed below and by the applicant at the address listed above no later than September 21, 2015, and contain the following: (1) name, address, and telephone number of the interested person; (2) the particular application number to which the protest relates; (3) specific information to show how approval of the application proposed may directly and adversely affect legally protected interests of the person filing the protest; and (4) a statement of the relief sought by the interested person. A person who sends a letter containing only a general objection or comment will not be deemed to be a party, but the letter will be made part of the permanent record. A hearing on this application will be scheduled and the applicant and protestant(s) shall be advised of the hearing date upon receipt of a proper protest. Protesting parties or their representatives must appear at the hearing and present the protest in order that it may be considered. Hearings are governed by Section 309 of Title 75 and Section 1020.8 of the Title 82 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and the rules of the Board, OAC Title 785, Chapters 4 and 30. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Nell Brueggen at (405) 530-8800. Board mailing address: Oklahoma Water Resources Board, Planning and Management Division, 3800 N. Classen Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73118-2881. Board fax number: (405) 530-8900.

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