(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma September 3, 2015) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MAYES COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Bank of Commerce, Chouteau, Oklahoma, an Oklahoma Banking Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. The heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns of Gary Dale Pyle, deceased; and, The unknown successors of Gary Dale Pyle, deceased; and, et al, Defendants. Case No. CJ-2015-3 NOTICE OF HEARING OF MOTION TO CONFIRM SHERIFFS SALE TO: All persons claiming an interest in the subject real property, including the following persons/ claimants: The heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns of Gary Dale Pyle, deceased; and the unknown successors of Gary Dale Pyle, deceased; Occupants; Dena Jasna; Discover Bank (Discover Card) by SA Discover Financial Services, LLC; UNIFUND CCR Partners; The Board of County Commissioners of Mayes County, Oklahoma; Bobbie Martin, Mayes County Treasurer, Mayes County, State of Oklahoma; Defendants. Consistent with 12 O.S. Section 765, Plaintiff hereby gives notice to all parties to this action and to any holder or claimant of a lien or interest in the subject real property, that it has filed a Motion to Confirm Sheriffs Sale of the following real property: A tract in Government Lot 2, Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 19 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, more particularly described as follows, to-with: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Government Lot 2 and 190.75 feet North of the SW corner thereof; Thence North and along the West line of said Government Lot 2 a distance of 240.0 feet to a point on the Southerly Right-of-Way line of State Highway 33 (Now Highway 412); Thence along said Right-of-Way and on a curve to the Left to a point 248.16 feet North and 361.55 feet East of the SW corner of said Government Lot 2; Thence in a Southwesterly direction a distance of 366.18 feet to the point of beginning, LESS AND EXCEPT the West 90 feet of the above described trace. Mayes County, OK. And The West 90 feet of the North 240 feet of the South 530 feet of Government Lot Numbered 2, Lying South of State Highway No. 33/412 in Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 19 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Mayes County, Oklahoma Hearing of said Motion to Confirm Sheriffs Sale shall be held on the 16th day of September, 2015, at 9:30 oclock a.m., before the Honorable Judge Terry H. McBride. Any objection to said sale proceedings or to the Motion to Confirm Sheriffs Sale must be presented at that time, or the Motion to Confirm Sheriffs Sale will be sustained and that sale confirmed. BANK OF COMMERCE, CHOUTEAU, an Oklahoma Banking Corporation Plaintiff By: s/Julia L. Neftzger JULIA L. NEFTZGER OBA 14099 JULIA L NEFTZGER OBA 14099 Attorney for Plaintiff J. Ralph Moore, P.C. P.O. Box 368 Pryor, OK 74362 918-825-0332