(Published in The Norman Transcript September 15, 2015, 1t) RFP-1516-20 The City of Norman, Oklahoma will receive sealed proposals at 4:00pm on October 5th for RFP-1516-20 for the reallocation of Continuum of Care funds for the provision of Permanent Supportive Housing. Proposals may be mailed to Lisa Krieg, City of Norman, PO Box 370, Norman, OK 73070 or hand delivered to Lisa Krieg, 201-A West Gray prior to this deadline. A non-mandatory Question and Answer session will be Monday, September 21, 2015 at 10:00am in Conference Room D, 201-A West Gray. Copies of this RFP may be obtained by calling 405-366-5464 or emailing lisa.krieg@normanok.gov.