Published in the Tahlequah Daily Press on October 9 and 16, 2018 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: BID OPENING: 10:00 a.m. CENTRAL TIME, November 6, 2018. The Grand River Dam Authority will receive Bids on: Contract 42429 T-Line Foundations Excavation & Construction of Lines 391A & 391B, Feeders 76/116 at the Engineering & Technology Center, Grand River Dam Authority , located at 9933 E. 16th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74128 bids will be opened at 10.00 a.m. Central Time, November 6, 2018, and then publicly opened and read aloud at a designated place. Bids received more than ninety-six (96) hours excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays before the time set for the Bid opening and/or Bids received after the time set for the Bid opening will not be considered and will be returned unopened. All interested parties are invited to attend. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Sealed Bid – Contract 42429 – “T-Line Foundation Excavation & Construction of Lines 391A & 391B, Feeders 76/116” and addressed to: Monica Fowler, Purchasing Superintendent Engineering & Technology Center, 9933 E. 16th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74128 Questions will be received until October 25, 2018 at _4.00 p.m. Central Time at mfowler@grda.com . A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on October 18, 2018 at 10:00 A.M. Central Time, at the GRDA Transmission & Engineering Facility 4 ½ miles east of Highway 69 on H/W 69A, Pryor, OK. The purpose of this meeting is to afford the prospective Bidders the opportunity to ask questions relative to the project. All bidders are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the general project area and construction documents provided. All bidders who plan to submit bids must attend the pre-bid meeting. Any additional questions concerning the bid will be accepted during the meeting. Verbal communications at any pre-bid meeting are non-binding. All clarifications, revisions, or changes to the Bidding Documents will be included in written addenda and issued to each prospective Bidder. Each Bid must be submitted in accordance with the “Requirements for Bidding and Instructions to Bidders” contained in the Request for Proposal. Each Bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check, or bid bond equal to five percent (5%) of the Bid. Each Bid must include a completed Non Collusion Affidavit and other required documents, as stated in the Request for Proposal. The Grand River Dam Authority reserves the right waive any informalities or to reject any or all Bids. Awarded Vendors will be required to provide Performance, Maintenance, and Defect Bonds in an amount equal to their bids. RFP may be found at the link below. RFP 42429 – www.grda.com/bids/rfp-42429/ It is the responsibility of the vendor responding to this RFP to check the GRDA website throughout the bidding period for any possible amendments that may be posted for this bid.