(Published in The Norman Transcript November 16, 23, 2018, 2t) NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of Norman, Oklahoma, will receive sealed bids in the office of the Purchasing Agent, City of Norman, P O Box 370, Norman, Oklahoma, 73070, until 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Decemer 6, 2018 for the following: Bid #1819-36, Liquid Oxygen Bids shall be made in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, Requirements for Bidders, Plans or Specifications, and Bidders Proposal, which are on file and available for examination at the Purchasing Office located at 201-C West Gray, Norman, Oklahoma 73069. All bids shall remain on file at least forty-eight hours thereafter before a contract can be made and entered into thereon. Bids received more than ninety-six (96) hours, excluding Saturdays. Sundays, and holidays, before the time set for opening bids, will not be considered and will be returned unopened. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parts of bids and to waive any or all formalities of the bidding process. City of Norman