(Published in The Norman Transcript December 6, 13, 2018, 2t) CITY OF NORMAN Office of the Purchasing Division Norman, Oklahoma INVITATION TO BID # 1819-35 The City of Norman, Oklahoma will open sealed bids in the Conference Room of Building C, City of Norman on the below listed item at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, January 3, 2019. Plant Mix Asphalt, Emulsified ‘Asphalt, Container Patch Mix All bids must be in the Office of the Purchasing Division, 201-C West Gray St., Norman, Oklahoma, 73069, BEFORE THE FINAL CLOSING HOUR as shown on the Invitation to Bid. If bid is mailed, to be considered it should be addressed as follows: Attention: Purchasing Division, Opening of Bids, City of Norman, and P. O. Box 370, Norman, Oklahoma, 73070. In addition, the bid envelope should be plainly marked on both sides indicating the bid number. The unit price must be stated on all items and all totals extended, if required. BIDDER GUARANTEES UNIT PRICES TO BE CORRECT. To receive consideration, bids must be submitted on the City of Norman "Form for Bidders" and "Bidders Proposal" (if applicable), which are hereby made part of this Invitation to Bid. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on December 18, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Lindsey Office located at 668 East Lindsey Street, Norman, Oklahoma 73071. Alternate bids may be considered. If bidding an alternate, so state on the face of the Form for Bidders and fully describe the merchandise and include Manufacturer's literature. Unless the bidder identifies on the Form for Bidders that an alternate is being bid, the vendor will be expected to deliver merchandise as specified. Alternate bids shall not be submitted to circumvent the specifications. The Affairs of the City of Norman, whether in the conduct of its governmental or proprietary functions, involve the health, safety, and welfare of the public; and because the item(s) specified are necessary and proper for the conduct of said affairs, any delay in the delivery of the item(s) being bid can jeopardize the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and can result in the incurring of additional expenses to the City. For these reasons, it is understood by the bidder the date of delivery of the item(s) being bid herein is considered to be an integral part of this bid and may be considered in awarding the contract. Discount and delivery date must be plainly stated on the Form for Bidders and Bidders Proposal. Use ink pen or typewriter in filling in quotation and initial any corrections. Bid and Affidavit must be signed in ink by an authorized representative of the company making the bid. Bidders should submit one original and one duplicate Form for Bidders and Proposals. All bids will be awarded by Section or Sections whichever is in the best interest of the City. Any bidder who fails to return the third consecutive invitation will be removed from the bid list. If the above procedures are not followed, bids may be disqualified. The right is reserved by the City to reject any or all bids or parts of bids. Bid documents are available at the City of Norman Streets and Stormwater Divisions Lindsey Yard, 668 East Lindsey Street, during business hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or contact (405) 329-2425 to request by email.