Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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The Oskaloosa Water Department Board of Trustees met in regular session Friday November 20, 2015 at 4:00 PM with board members Ryan, Vore and Hodges present. The agenda was approved as amended removing items 12 and 13 and replacing Item #12 with Consideration and Discussion of General ManagerÕs Pay as Related to 28E Agreement with the City of Oskaloosa. All members voting aye. Minutes of the 10/19/15 regular meeting were approved as presented, all ayes. Following Warrants Allowed: (see attached sheet) The first item on the agenda was Customer Forum. There were no items presented. The next agenda item was Discussion of Wastewater Operations. There was no action taken by the Board of Trustees. Approve Acceptance of the Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 as Prepared by Hunt&Associates, P.C. was next on the agenda. Item was tabled until the December Board meeting. Consideration and Discussion of Annual Health Insurance Premiums was next. Motion by Hodges to approve renewal of health insurance with Wellmark with the 0.56% increase in rates. Second by Vore. Ayes all, motion carried. The next agenda item was Consideration and Discussion of Updated Employee Manual. Motion by Vore and Second by Ryan to approve manual changes including to sunset sick leave payout for employees hired after January 1, 2016, and to further approve unused sick leave payout only upon a bona fide retirement for all employees. The next two items, General ManagerÕs Update and Miscellaneous saw no formal action taken by the Board of Trustees. The amended item, Consideration and Discussion of General ManagerÕs Pay as Related to 28E Agreement with the City of Oskaloosa was tabled until the December meeting. Motion was made for adjournment by Ryan. Hodges second the motion. Ayes all, meeting adjourned. 5:46 PM. There was a question that was raised as members were preparing to leave, motion to reopen the meeting by Vore and second by Hodges. Meeting re-opened at 5:49 PM. Discussion with no action by the Board. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Ryan and second by Hodges at 5:54 PM. Ayes all, meeting adjourned. Brad Hodges, Secretary NOVEMBER 2015 BOARD MEETING EXPENSES FOR PUBLICATIONS Access Systems, Crash Plan Backup $50.00 American Funds, American Funds $174.00 Arnold Motor Supply, Maintenance $38.19 Brown's Shoe Fit Co., Boots $210.00 Certified Pest Control, Pest Control at Plant House $50.00 Coon, Chad, Seminar Meal $15.52 Champion Signs, Signs for Plant $19.00 Christian Opportunity Center, October Office Cleaning $157.75 Cindy VanDonselaar, Deductible Reimbursement $500.00 DeRuiter Lawn Equipment, Saw Repair $37.00 Delta Dental of Iowa, December Dental Insurance $1,402.40 Ethanol Products LLC, CO2 $1,362.62 Hach Company, Lab Supplies $348.23 Haines Auto Supply, Truck&Hydrant Parts $36.63 Hawkins, Inc, Chemicals $1,714.67 Heslinga Dixon Moore&Hite, Legal Fees $140.00 Ideal Ready Mix, Ready Mix $187.50 Iowa Dept of Natural Resources, Shaun&Jason Operator Cert $160.00 Iowa One Call, October Locates $131.40 John Deere Financial, Maintenance&Parts $102.98 Kelly Supply, Supplies $178.69 Keystone Laboratories, Lab Testing $143.00 Klyn Tire Service, Tire Repair $16.59 Local Disposal, Inc, Trash $104.00 Mahaska Communications Group, Phone&Internet $364.10 Mahaska County Treasurer, Fuel $1,033.05 Mahaska Drug, Shipping $22.55 Martin Marietta Materials, Stone $521.78 Mauer Supply Inc, Valve Parts&Vac-Tron Nozzle $93.65 Michelle Ralls, CDL Permit, Operator Cert Exam&Meals $108.41 MidAmerican Energy, Gas&Electric $5,455.20 Mississippi Lime Company, Lime $15,253.48 Municipal Supply Inc, Parts $4,095.40 Oskaloosa Herald, Publications $90.53 Oskaloosa, City of, 3rd Avenue Project&Lien Collection $10,406.34 Phillips Machine&Metal Fabri, Vac-Tron Parts $18.00 State Hygienic Laboratory, Lab Testing $580.00 The Office Center, Supplies $72.60 Totalscape Lawn Care, Mowing $600.00 US Cellular, Cell Phones $275.27 Utility Equipment Comp, Supplies $6,889.42 VanWert Inc, Meter Readings $1,407.60 VandeWall Plumbing, Hwy 23 - Excavating $2,500.00 Visa, Seminar Expenses, Business Cards&Phone Replacement $1,397.70 Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, December Health Insurance $17,641.73 Westrum Leak Detection, 2015 Survey $3,000.00 Wurth Service Supply Inc, Washers&Screws $41.69 Treasurer State of Iowa, First Half November Sales Tax $184.83 Treasurer State of Iowa, Last Half October Sales Tax $9,867.22 City of Oskaloosa, October Sewer&Storm Water $219,855.45 Oskaloosa Water Department, Transfer to CDF $900.00 EMC National Life Company, November Life Insurance $130.35 Lowe's Business Account, Maintenance for Plant $495.85 MidAmerican Energy, South Tower Electric $14.83 US Postmaster, Postage Sec. 1&6 Billing $455.70 VSP Vision Service Plan, November Vision Insurance $370.64 $311,423.54 FOR MONTHLY PUBLICATION MONTH OF: Oct-15 TOTAL REVENUES: $261,772.51 EXPENDITURES-- Plant Operations $53,701.13 Water Distribution $84,684.34 Office $48,725.60 Waste Water Operations $10,495.37 Sinking Fund / SRF Payment $- Capital Meter Purchases $9,953.12 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $207,559.56

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