Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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(Published in the Stillwater News Press December 12, 2015 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: AMERICAN ENERGY - WOODFORD, LLC RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION EXCEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST, PAYNE COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201506018 NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and all other interested persons, particularly in Payne County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant in this Cause is requesting that this Commission grant a well location for a well to be drilled and produced from the Mississippian, Woodford and Misener-Hunton common sources of supply underlying Section 30, Township 18 North, Range 1 East, Payne County, Oklahoma, at a location as follows: Completion Interval: To be located within the subsurface location tolerance area as set forth below: Not closer than 165 feet from the North line and not closer than 165 feet from the South line and not closer than 1,320 feet from the East line of Section 30, Township 18 North, Range 1 East, Payne County, Oklahoma. as exception to an Order to issue in Cause CD No. 201506013 . A request will be made to designate the Applicant or some other party as the operator of the proposed well. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the drilling and spacing unit described in the caption hereof underlies Section 30, Township 18 North, Range 1 East, and the sections adjacent are Sections 19, 20, 29, 31 and 32, Township 18 North, Range 1 East; and Sections 24, 25 and 36, Township 18 North, Range 1 West, all in Payne County, Oklahoma. IT IS ORDERED that this Cause be referred to an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. APPLICANT: AMERICAN ENERGY - WOODFORD, LLC CAUSE CD NO.: 201506018 IT IS ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this Cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Merits Docket at the Corporation Commission, First Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 29th day of December, 2015, and that this notice be published as required by law and the Rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant's attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action contact MS. BETSY BALL, American Energy - Woodford, LLC, 301 N.W. 63rd Street, Suite 600, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73116, (405) 418-8000, or CHARLES L. HELM, Attorney, 105 North Hudson, Suite 700, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73102, (405) 232-9000. Please refer to Cause CD Number. DONE AND PERFORMED this 9th day of December, 2015. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Vice Chairman J. TODD HIETT, Commissioner ATTEST: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary

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