Please take notice that I, Linda Adam Town Clerk for Davenport, County of Delaware, State of New York, upon having received the tax rolls and warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Davenport for the year of 2016, shall collect said taxes at the Town Clerks office Monday through Friday 9am to 12 noon. Also take notice said taxes may be mailed to Town Clerk/ Tax Collector P.O Box #88 Davenport Center NY 13751. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, taxes may be paid on or before February 4, 2016 or 30 days from this notice, whichever is later without interest. All taxes paid after said date shall be taxed 1% (one percent) for each month or fraction thereof until the tax rolls are returned to the County Treasurer. Dated December 8, 2015. Linda Adam Tax Collector, Town of Davenport.