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Mystic Regular Council Meeting Minutes Mystic City Hall December 10, 2015 Mayor Carl Clark called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: Phil Hudson, Jim Hatfield, John Hatfield, Elaine Surber, Terry Whittom all present Motion by John Hatfield to approve agenda 2nd Hudson motion carried. Motion by Hudson to approve minutes from 11-12-15 2nd Surber motion carried. Motion by John Hatfield to approve current expenses/bills 2nd Surber, motion carried. Motion by Hudson to approve department reports 2nd Jim Hatfield, motion carried New business: Security light at Community Center/temporarily close a portion of 3rd St-all ayes/new Christmas banners. Motion by Hudson to adjourn 2nd Jim Hatfield, motion carried Meeting adjourned at 6:13 pm MYSTIC CITY BILLS FOR APPROVAL 10-Dec-15 Daily Iowegian minutes & AFR $181.55 App Cty Sheriff monthly patrol $100.00 Walmart City Hall & shop supplies $62.32 City of Mystic open FEMA account $20.00 Appanoose Cty Auditor city election fee $740.99 Atomic pest control $30.00 Alliant city hall & shop $99.48 Windstream phone/internet $141.54 TOTAL DUE/CITY BILLS: $1,375.88 COMMUNITY CENTER BILLS FOR APPROVAL 10-Dec-15 Atomic pest control $50.00 Young's rock hauling $251.91 L & W Quarries rock $633.55 Leanna Ruckman deposit refund $50.00 Nancy Robinson deposit refund $50.00 Alliant electric $285.54 Nancy Robinson food $215.99 TOTAL DUE/COMMUNITY CENTER BILLS: $1,536.99 MYSTIC SEWER BILLS FOR APPROVAL 10-Dec-15 Ipers Nov $248.04 Infomax copier $56.64 Postmaster stamps $73.50 IRS Nov $453.41 Walmart soap for pits $34.28 L & W Quarries rock at lagoon $273.72 Napa tool$36.20 Baker's Repair sharpening $14.00 MFA gas & diesel $340.00 Windstream phone lines $107.81 TOTAL DUE/SEWER BILLS: $1,637.60 MYSTIC ROAD BILLS FOR APPROVAL 10-Dec-15 MFA gas & diesel $340.01 Alliant street lights $924.35 Metal Culverts culverts/FEMA $4,399.20 O'Reilly grader parts $13.90 Fogle True Valuebackhoe/ grader $39.31 Simmons plexi glass $80.12 L & W Quarries FEMA rock $3,032.36 IPERS Nov $248.04 IRS Nov $453.40 Napa grader parts $34.31 Walker Welding grader repairs $331.04 Sinclair Tractor grader parts $93.36 Carl Clark grader parts reimbursement ccard purchase $1,029.78 CarQuest trucks and grader parts $156.25 TOTAL DUE/ROAD BILLS $11,175.43 MYSTIC WATER BILLS FOR APPROVAL 10-Dec-15 Municipal Supply water supplies $352.90 IA Rural Water membership dues $225.00 IA Finance Authority drinking water loan int payment $570.00 MESI water testing $18.00 Postmaster stamps $73.50 IPERS Nov $248.04 IRS Nov $453.41 MFA gas & diesel $340.00 Napa tool $36.20 Infomax copier $56.65 RRWA water $2,251.20 TOTAL DUE/WATER BILLS: $4,624.90 MYSTIC RURAL FIRE DEPARTMENT BILLS FOR APPROVAL 10-Dec-15 O'Reilly parts $56.63 Southern IA Oil propane$73.50 Firehouse Grants grant writing fee $499.00 John Hatfield bulbs $16.62 Windstreamphone/internet $103.51 Alliant electric $105.09 Napa batteries $388.00 MFA gas & diesel $340.01 Lockridge parts $3.49 TOTAL DUE/RURAL FIRE DEPARTMENT BILLS$1,585.85 Revenue $20,576 Runs 1x December 15, 2015

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