(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma January 24, 2016) January 11, 2016 The Board of Mayes County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting with all members present: Kevin Whiteside, Chairman, Darrell Yoder and Ryan Ball, Members, and Marilyn Fields for Brittany True-Howard, County Clerk. The initial notice of the meeting was received in writing December 15, 2015, and the agenda for this meeting was posted on the lower floor of the Court House at 4:30 p.m., January 7, 2016. Kevin Whiteside called the meeting to order in compliance with the Open Meeting Law and the following business was done: Commissioner Whiteside led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Yoder said the Invocation. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the minutes of January 4, 2016. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. OLD BUSINESS: Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to award bid for Forensic Service Per Evidentiary Item Cost to Bode Cellmark Forensics. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to table bid for forensic services. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. NEW BUSINESS: NONE Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve Health Department monthly reports. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve Annual Commissary Sales Report for the Sheriffs Department. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve Resolution to deposit $1,000.00 received from Century 21, for refund of earnest money, to the General Fund, 20-3, Capital Outlay. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to appoint Darrell Yoder and Ryan Ball as Representatives to the Grand Gateway Board of Directors. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the Circuit Engineering District Auction Policies. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the following resolutions: District 1, F550 Bucket Truck, surplus; District 2, Dump Truck International, surplus; District 3, a Diesel Pump, junked. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Johnny Janzen Emergency Management Director was present to let the Board know that the Water Resources Board conducted and audit of Mayes county Flood Plain Program. They sent a letter with their findings. The County passed audit with no issues or complaints. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve Mutual Aid request from OVMA DRT Assistance Team for current and future disasters at no additional cost. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve Kevin Whiteside and Darrell Yoder as Requisitioning Officers and Valerie Taylor as Receiving Officer for PFA. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to enter into executive session for discussion and possible action for the purpose of confidential communications between the Board of County Commissioners and its legal counsel/attorney regarding pending litigation 15CV540TCKPJC, Pierce vs. Board of County Commissioners, et. Al., if it is determined such communications will seriously impair the ability of the Board to process said litigation. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to terminate executive session and resume regular session. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to appoint Ryan Ball for discovery purposes concerning pending litigation, Pierce v. Board of County Commissioners, et. al. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve access agreement between Darrell Sitsler and District 3 to tear out fence row to build up road. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. There were no Utility Permit Requests The following claims were allowed or disallowed as the case may be: 2015-16 GEN-SHERIFF: 1443, SO UNIFORM & EQ, 702.63, UNIFORMS; 1444, THE SHOP, 162.00, SERV; 1445, OREILLY, 58.06, BATTERIES; 1446, SPEEDYS QUIK LUBE & AUTO SALES, 333.40, SERV; 1447, ATD, 556.80, TIRES; 1448, G&M AUTO & WRECKER, 266.26, PARTS; 1449, VISUAL FORCE, 612.00, SERV; CO COMM: 1450, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 22.00, SERV; AGRI: 1451, ROSE, MIKE, 358.80, TRAVEL; 1452, GUTHRIE, CONNIE, 63.25, TRAVEL; 1453, HAUENSTEIN, APRIL, 137.42, TRAVEL; CO ASSESS: 1454, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 17.00, SERV; GEN: 1455, UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, 73.60, SERV; 1456, PRYOR LMBR, 440.70, SUPS; 1457, LOCKE SUP, 366.52, SUPS; 1458, SHERWIN WILLIAMS, 178.21, SUPS; 1459, OTC, 37.50, TAG/TITLE; 1460, OFC DEPOT, 269.99, SUPS; 1461, MAYES CO DIST #1, 205.11, FUEL; 1462, COMDATA, 91.62, FUEL; 1463, TOTAL RADIO, 197.00, BATTERIES; 1464-62.09, 1465-46.68, OREILLY, BATTERIES/PARTS; 1466, NEO ELECT, 36.37, UTILITIES; 1467, VERIZON, 80.02, UTILITIES; ELECT BD: 1468, THE TIMES, 90.00, SUB; 1469, AGES, 194.98, SOFTWARE; 1470, JD YOUNG, 414.83, SERV; UNEMPL: 1471, OESC, 682.48, UNEMP; HWY: 1472, PRYOR STONE, 2106.83, ROCK; 1473, JOHN DEERE, 252.62, OIL; 1474, TULSA ASPHALT, 1303.68, ASPHALT; 1475, DP SUP, 391.20, PIPE; 1476, INDUSTRIAL OILS UNLIMITED, 941.60, OIL; 1477, DP SUP, 1681.68, PIPE; 1478, PRYOR STONE, 1609.90, ROCK; 1479, DUB ROSS, 1400.00, GRADER BLADES. T CO HWY: 1270, OESC, 336.73, UNEMP; 1271, MARMIC FIRE & SAFETY, 348.86, SERV; 1272, THE SHOP, 30.00, SERV; 1273, JOHN DEERE, 168.90, SUPS; 1274, PRYOR AUTO SUP, 1512.54, PARTS; 1275, PRYOR LMBR, 121.02, SUPS; 1276, SUPPLYWORKS, 980.00, SUPS; 1277, WELDON PARTS, 163.05, SUPS; 1278, JOHN DEERE, 185.21, PARTS; 1279, HAMILL METALS, 138.24, PIPE; 1280-1062.99, 1281-619.00, PRYOR AUTO SUP, TOOLS; 1282, LOCKE SUP, 17.01, PARTS; 1283, CHOUTEAU PUB WORKS, 56.40, UTILITIES; 1284, PSO, 525.01, UTILITIES; 1285, HAMILL METALS, 115.18, SUPS; 1286, US CELL, 190.55, SERV; 1287, LOCKE SUP, 54.96, SUPS; 1288, SSTELCO, 127.08, SERV; 1289-2982.70, 1290-1299.99, 1291-2599.98, 1292-682.43, 1293-1985.86, 1294-2240.45, 1295-1862.51, WELCH STATE BANK, LEASE/PMT; 1296, CATERPILLAR, 1445.30, PMT. MD: 119, PPC, 55.00, SERV; 120, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 43.50, SERV; 121-126.00, 122-250.00, THE TIMES, AD; 123, THE PAPER, 80.00, AD; 124, THE TIMES, 126.00, AD; 125, QUILL, 888.34, OFC SUPS; 126, AIRGAS, 120.73, SUPS; 127, DIRECTV, 63.99, SERV AGREE. SSFCA: 277, OESC, 7.56, UNEMP; 278, SO UNIFORM & EQ, 107.50, UNIFORMS; 279, PRYOR VET, 62.00, SERV; 280, ATD, 508.88, TIRES; 281, JD YOUNG, 76.56, SERV; 282, US CELL, 411.95, SERV. SRCA: 25, OFC EVERYTHING, 148.64, SUPS. CCLF: 12, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 28.00, SERV; 13, COURTYARD, 98.00, LODGING; 14, RUMSEY, CHRISSY, 194.65, TRAVEL. TCFA: 27, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 9.00, SERV. RES: 44, OESC, 31.98, UNEMP. CJSTR: 150, OESC, 230.46, UNEMP. LL: 17, OESC, 4.30, UNEMP. E911: 138, OESC, 58.46, UNEMP; 139-197.22, 140-108.55, AT&T, SERV; 141, CHOUTEAU PHONE, 164.06, SERV; 142, GRAND LAKE PHONE, 120.20, SERV; 143, OOWA, 131.40, SERV. SCS: 31, OESC, 37.29, UNEMP. MCDCT: 15, ALLEN, TERRY, 2200.00, SERV; 16, BAIN, ASHLEY, 450.00, SERV; 17, BRAKEFIELD, BRIANA, 450.00, SERV. PFA: 71, MARMIC FIRE & SAFETY, 870.96, SERV; 72, TRANE, 640.73, EQ; 73, UMB, 87000.00, PMT. FF: 410, MAYES CO DIST #1, 262.73, FUEL; 411, PRYOR AUTO SUP, 476.00, BATTERIES; 412-705.91, 413-3340.84, 414-1400.66, ER APPARATUS MAINT, MAINT/SERV; 415, VERIZON, 40.01, UTILITIES; 416, GALLS, 7918.84, EQ; 417, COMDATA, 214.65, FUEL; 418, MFA, 645.00, PROPANE; 419, 911 MAYES CO, 165.00, SUB; 420, AT&T, 277.21, SERV; 421, VERIZON, 50.08, SERV; 422, DOWNING PROPANE, 216.00, PROPANE; 423, RWD #9, 89.49, SERV; 424, SSTELCO, 145.37, SERV; 425, BANK OF COMMERCE, 2693.53, LEASE; 426, MAYES CO DIST #1, 94.16, FUEL; 427, COMDATA, 172.31, FUEL; 428, CHIEF FIRE AND SAFETY, 220.00, SERV; 429, AT&T, 79.79, SERV; 430, WELCH STATE BANK, 22091.73, PMT; 431, JUNIORS WRECKER SERV, 1618.48, SERV; 432, SPEEDYS 66, 316.52, FUEL; 433, RWD #3, 18.00, UTILITIES; 434, METRO WASTE, 80.00, SERV; 435, GRAND LAKE PHONE, 65.52, SERV; 436, AT&T, 71.05, SERV; 437, ACTIVE911, 12.02, SUB; 438, LAKESIDE BANK, 2506.46, PMT; 439, MARMIC FIRE & SAFETY, 600.56, SUPS; 440, RSU, 1093.50, TRAINING; 441, AT&T, 120.08, SERV; 42, VERIZON, 69.49, UTILITIES; 443, RIGID, 536.36, PARTS; 444, HAMILL METALS, 189.14, SUPS; 445, SSTELCO, 185.36, SERV; 446, LAKESIDE BANK, 1926.80, LEASE; 447, SSTELCO, 101.01, SERV; 448, OK POLICE SUP, 150.88, SUPS; 449, RISK MANAGEMENT, 2635.70, INS; 450, SSTELCO, 63.65, SERV; 451, CHIEF FIRE AND SAFETY, 1306.00, BUNKER GEAR. CFP: 78, OESC, 72.02, UNEMP. WE911: 117, OESC, 41.57, UNEMP; 118, COMDATA, 62.22, FUEL; 119, AT&T, 210.11, UTILITIES; 120, SSTELCO, 342.48, SERV. CBRI 105: 28, WALKER HARDWARE & LMBR, 2783.60, RENT; 29, PRYOR STONE, 278.33, ROCK. STR: 160, OESC, 340.94, UNEMP; 161, PRYOR LMBR, 24.98, SUPS; 162, BIMBO BAKERIES, 675.22, SUPS; 163, JD YOUNG, 22.15, SERV. SDF: 10, SO UNIFORM & EQ, 154.00, ; 11-160.00, 12-190.65, CHOUTEAU TOWING, SERV. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve all other claims as submitted. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to Adjourn. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Approved this January 19, 2016 (SEAL) BOARD OF MAYES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S/KEVIN WHITESIDE CHAIRMAN S/DARRELL YODER MEMBER S/RYAN BALL MEMBER ATTEST: S/BRITTANY TRUE-HOWARD COUNTY CLERK Mayes County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in its admission to, or access to, or treatment in or employment in its programs or activities.