Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma July 26, 2015) July 13, 2015 The Board of Mayes County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting with all members present: Kevin Whiteside and Darrell Yoder, Members, and Brittany True-Howard, County Clerk. The initial notice of the meeting was received in writing December 15, 2014, and the agenda for this meeting was posted on the lower floor of the Court House at 4:30 p.m., July 9, 2015.  Kevin Whiteside called the meeting to order in compliance with the Open Meeting Law and the following business was done: Commissioner Whiteside led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Yoder said the Invocation. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the minutes of July 6, 2015. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: NONE Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve a Resolution to execute the Ground Lease Agreement between Independent School District No. 1 of Mayes County, Oklahoma (Pryor Public Schools) and the Mayes County PFA and a Lease/Purchase Agreement between said Authority and said School District; and containing other provisions relating thereto. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve Detention Agreements between the Mayes County BOCC and the Tulsa County BOCC and Mayes County BOCC and Community Works, LLC. Yoder, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve Resolution for the renewal of lease purchase agreements for machinery and equipment through the revolving fund and verification of insurance coverage. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve Independent Contractor Agreement with Kellogg Engineering. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve Resolutions to deposit to the General Fund as follows: District 1, 80-2, M&O monies received from various departments, for fuel reimbursement; Emergency Management, 20-6A, Wages, received from Town of Langley for Services. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve an agreement between Mayes County BOCC and Oklahoma Cooperative Circuit Engineering District Board. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to accept donations of $27,000.00 to the Sheriff’s Office for cold case investigations. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve Resolution to deposit $66.70 to T-2A, District 2, received from the General Fund, to correct error. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to exit Regular Session and enter into Executive Session pursuant to Title 25 O.S. 2011, section 307(B)(3), for the purpose of discussing the purchase or appraisal of real property. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to terminate executive session and resume regular session. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to allow Commissioner Yoder to make an offer on property. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the following Utility Permit Requests in District 2: RWD #2 to install a 6” water supply line through 12” pvc casing by open cutting a gravel surface roadway (NS 437) approximately 35 feet south of center line of EW 63 in Section 28 & 29 T19N R18E; RWD #2 to install a 6” water supply line through 12” pvc casing by open cutting a gravel surface roadway (EW 64) approximately 25 feet West of center line of NS 427  in Section 29 & 32 in T19E R18E. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. The following claims were allowed or disallowed as the case may be: 2014-15 GEN-SHERIFF: 2697, PFG, 10040.44, GROC; 2698, SO UNIFORM & EQ, 242.77, UNIFORMS; 2699, PFG, 4011.36, GROC; 2700, BEGGS, 135.00, MED SUPS; CO COMM: 2701, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 16.00, SERV; AGRI: 2702, AGES, 489.99, SUPS; CO CLERK: 2703, MIDWEST PRINTING, 212.58, ENVELOPES; CO ASSESS: 2704, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 17.00, SERV; GEN: 2705, THE PAPER, 289.25, SERV; 2706, PRYOR LMBR, 61.81, SUPS; 2707, J&W MECHANICAL, 464.89, SERV; 2708, BKL, 21750.00, SERV; 2709, TNT LAWN CARE, 125.00, SERV; 2710, MURPHY SANITARY SUP, 237.89, PARTS; 2711- 64.89, 2712-26.93, PRYOR LMBR, SUPS; 2713, LOWES, 94.05, TOOLS; HWY: 2714-2602.64, 2715-112.24, 2716-961.95, 2717-460.00, PRYOR STONE, ROCK; 2718-1368.50, 2719-2303.50, 2720-792.36, 2721-1898.13, TULSA ASPHALT, ASPHALT; 2722, DIRECT DISCOUNT TIRE, 1781.76, TIRES; 2723- 2323.23, 2724-67.05, 2725-186.62, 2726-336.72, 2727-2772.99, PRYOR STONE, ROCK; 2728-2810.94, 2729-4193.37, TULSA ASPHALT, ASPHALT. T CO HWY: 2547, THE PAPER, 6.45, PUB; 2548, JOHN DEERE, 125.44, SUPS; 2549, PRYOR AUTO SUP, 602.01, PARTS; 2550, PRYOR LMBR, 47.76, SUPS; 2551, HAMILL METALS, 50.24, STEEL; 2552, OFC EVERYTHING, 27.38, SUPS; 2553, PRYOR WASTE & RECYCLING, 300.00, SERV; 2554, HAMILL METALS, 4.19, SUPS; 2555, WINZER, 750.88, SUPS; 2556, ONE SOURCE OCC MED, 25.00, SERV; 2557, CABIN DIESEL, 126.08, PARTS; 2558, OREILLY AUTO PARTS, 268.65, PARTS; 2559, UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, 95.10, SUPS; 2560, BUILDERS WHOLESALE & HARDWARE SUP, 60.60, SUPS; 2561, PRYOR AUTO SUP, 383.80, PARTS; 2562, PRYOR LMBR, 149.57, SUPS; 2563, PRITCHETTS SERV STATION, 267.00, SUPS/SERV; 2564, OREILLY, 852.49, PARTS; 2565, TRACTOR SUP, 36.04, SUPS; 2566, WARREN CAT, 206.73, SUPS; 2567, CHOUTEAU LIME, 395.00, SUPS. MD: 347, THE TIMES, 186.40, PUB; 348, THE TIMES, 152.00, PUB; 349, URGENT CARE OF GREEN COUNTRY, 40.00, SERV; 350, PPC, 55.00, SERV; 351, SHREDDERS, 35.00, SERV; 352, PSS, 1498.23, MED SUPS. SSFCA: 610, SPEEDYS QUIK LUBE, 335.82, SERV; 611, OREILLY, 43.50, BATTERIES; 612, PRYOR LMBR, 105.81, SUPS; 613, PRYOR VET, 122.00, SERV; 614, TRACTOR SUP, 119.95, SUPS. SRCA: 240, OFC EVERYTHING, 31.04, SUPS; 241, SWEEPER METAL FABRICATORS, 3578.00, PARTS. CCLF: 23, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 28.00, SERV. TCFA: 48, LEXIS NEXIS, 50.00, SERV. PFA: 107, TRANE, 607.20, SUPS. FF: 813, BLUE TARP FINANCIAL, 75.96, SUPS; 814, HAMILL METALS, 1207.14, SUPS; 815, ACTIVE911, 9.30, REG; 816, GALLS, 427.28, TOOLS; 817, LOCKE, 39.43, PARTS; 818, THE PAPER, 5.80, PUB; 819, THE PAPER, 5.80, PUB.                WE911: 223, PRYOR LMBR, 52.38, MAINT; 224, PRYOR LMBR, 125.27, SUPS. CBRI 105: 57, KELLOGG ENGINEERING, 3000.00, SERV. STR: 32, PFG, 976.62, SUPS. 2015-16 GEN-AGRI: 13, OSU EXTEN, 2783.00, SERV; 14, OK PROTECTIVE SERV, 45.00, SERV; 15, OSU EXTEN, 43.08, RENT; GEN: 16, HACH, 44.98, SUPS; 17, RWD #1, 621.00, SERV; 18, MR Js TIRES, 480.69, SERV; 19, XEROX, 9.87, SERV; ELECT BD: 20, SECR OF STATE, 20.00, RENEW; 21, BROWN & BROWN, 30.00, BOND; 22, SECR OF STATE, 10.00, FEE; 23, JD YOUNG, 373.63, SERV; PHOTO & REC: 24, XEROX, 93.97, SERV. T CO HWY: 64, MAYES CO PROPANE, 17.00, PROPANE; 65, PSO, 329.60, UTILITIES; 66, US CELL, 143.86, SERV; 67, ACCO, 4000.00, DUES; 68, NEO ELECT, 202.42, SERV; 69, YODER, DARRELL, 129.38, TRAVEL; 70, BALL, RYAN, 68.91, TRAVEL; 71-2507.04, 72-5149.78, ODOT, LEASE; 73, CATERPILLAR, 678.90, PMT; 74, ODOT, 4497.90, LEASE; 75, CATERPILLAR, 1730.29, PMT. MD: 1, RICOH USA, 443.33, SERV; 2, DIRECTV, 63.99, SERV AGREE. SSFCA: 2, BROWN & BROWN, 30.00, BOND; 3-20.00, 4-10.00, SECR OF STATE, NOTARY; 5, OK POLICE SUP, 237.35, SUPS; 6, DPS, 350.00, SERV; 7, JD YOUNG, 93.96, SERV; 8, US CELL, 359.49, SERV; 9 , DIXON, CAROLYN, 100.73, TRAVEL. CCLF: 1, KERR, BONNIE, 84.32, TRAVEL. E911: 2, OOWA, 131.40, SERV; 3-70.22, 4-152.60, AT&T, SERV; 5, GRAND LAKE PHONE, 120.20, SERV; 6, CHOUTEAU PHONE, 164.06, SERV; 7, DIRECTV, 111.98, SERV. FF: 12, AT&T, 187.07, SERV; 13, RWD #9, 79.00, SERV; 14, NEO ELEC, 171.00, SERV; 15, RWD #4, 24.74, SERV; 16-126.90, 17-73.45, 18-117.36,   AT&T, SERV. DCUF: 1, NADCP, 700.00, TRAINING. WE911: 1, AT&T, 197.22, SERV; 2, SSTELCO, 131.90, SERV. STR: 1, MESTA, 1820.33, SERV; 2, JD YOUNG, 1.68, SERV; 3, AADVANTAGE LAUNDRY, 338.00, RENT. Motion made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve the claims as submitted. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to Adjourn. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Approved this July 20, 2015 (SEAL)   BOARD OF MAYES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S/RYAN BALL CHAIRMAN S/KEVIN WHITESIDE MEMBER S/DARRELL YODER MEMBER ATTEST:  S/BRITTANY TRUE-HOWARD COUNTY CLERK Mayes County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in its admission to, or access to, or treatment in or employment in its programs or activities.

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