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JULY 20, 2015 APPANOOSE C...

July 20, 2015 Appanoose County Board of Supervisors met in regular session July 20, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. in the Boardroom of the Courthouse. Present: Chairman Jody McDanel and Boardmembers Neal Smith and Mark Waits. Absent: None. Smith moved to approve the agenda with addition. Seconded by Waits. All voted aye. Smith moved to approve the minutes from the July 6, 2015 meeting. Seconded by Waits. All ayes. Smith moved to approve tax suspension on parcel #340011029420000. Seconded by Waits. All voted aye. Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2012-11028: Oak Park 2nd, Lot 6, City of Centerville, Appanoose County, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 9:15 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Waits and second by Smith. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2012-11027: Oak Park 2nd, Lot 5, City of Centerville, Appanoose County, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 9:20 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Smith and second by Waits. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2012-11227: Original Bellair, Lot 3, Block 4, City of Numa, Appanoose County, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 9:25 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Smith and second by Waits. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10472: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 9, 10 & 11, Block 7 Exc S 1/2 thereof City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 9:30 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Waits and second by Smith. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10476: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 5, Block 7 City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 9:35 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Waits and second by Smith. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10481: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 4, Block 7 City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 9:40 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Smith and second by Waits. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10479: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 3, Block 7 City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 9:45 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Waits and second by Smith. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10474: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 2, Block 7 City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 9:50 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Smith and second by Waits. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10478: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 1, Block 7 City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 9:55 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Waits and second by Smith. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10475: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 16, Block 7 City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Smith and second by Waits. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10482: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 15, Block 7 City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 10:05 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Waits and second by Smith. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10471: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 14, Block 7 City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 10:10 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Waits and second by Smith. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10473: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 13, Block 7 City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 10:15 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Smith and second by Waits. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Resolution WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of Appanoose County, Iowa, that Tax Sale #2010-10477: J S Elgin's 2nd, Lot 12, Block 7 City of Mystic, AppanooseCounty, Iowa is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was acquired by the county and it is in the best interest of the county that said property be sold: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA; 1. That a public hearing be held August 3, 2015 at 10:20 A.M. in the Appanoose County Courthouse to consider the sale of the above-described property upon motion by Smith and second by Waits. 2. That following the public hearing an auction will be held in which the property will be sold to the highest bidder with the county reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids; who will also pay the current year's taxes, the cost of publication of this notice and the cost of recording the deed. 3. That the Appanoose County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of public hearing on said proposal to convey and sell property not less than four (4) clear days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to that date of such hearing. 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, 2015. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Reports: Auditor quarterly report, Clerk of Court monthly reports and transfers, Recorder quarterly report, Payroll. Smith moved to approve reports; seconded by Waits. All voted aye. Access Sys Off. Supplies & Forms 226.94 Iowegian Off. Supplies & Forms 30.20 Iowegian Typing-Print.-Bind.Serv. 234.53 ADLM EH Off. Supplies & Forms 21000.00 Agriland FS Engineering Services 23256.25 Albia Sch Community Support Program 18365.79 Alliant Electric Light & Power 1655.72 Alliant Engineering Services 836.92 Alliant Gas & Heat 19.19 Alliant Ongoing Rent Subsidy 466.00 Alliant Rent & Utility Payments 281.54 Alliant Utilities 300.00 Amer Home Fdg Juvenile Detention & Shel 2612.40 App Co ISU Ext Community Support Program 484.55 App Co Recorder Off. Supplies & Forms 38.50 Sec Rds E911 Sign Expense (Labor) 35.00 Sec Rds Fuels 773.53 Sec Rds Postage & Mailing 3.96 Serv Agency Building Repair & Maintce 292.50 Serv Agency Custodial Supplies 229.16 Serv Agency Electric Light & Power 907.09 Serv Agency Garbage Serv 55.00 Serv Agency Off. Supplies & Forms 324.85 Serv Agency Radio and related equipme 161.50 Serv Agency Salary-Regular Employees 500.00 Serv Agency Telephone & Telegr.Serv. 280.89 Serv Agency Water & Sewer 112.37 App Co Sheriff Outpatient M.H. Treatment 16.15 App Co Sheriff Sheriffs Transportation 412.90 App Co Treas Off. Supplies & Forms 41.95 Co Treas/US Bank Off. Supplies & Forms 633.76 App Comm Care Homemaker-Home Health Aid 3466.25 Aramark Engineering Services 528.00 Aramark Park Maint. & Supplies 105.49 Baker's Park Maint. & Supplies 575.37 Bankers Leasing Office Equip. & Furniture 200.23 Brook Blackwell Legal Serv. Dep-Subp-Tran 45.50 Bratz Oil Fuels 43.25 Bratz Oil Mileage & Transp. Expense 55.61 Bratz Oil Tires & Tubes 259.90 Bratz Oil Vehicle Repair & Maintce 416.78 Bratz Oil Vehicle Supplies-Access 44.50 K Bricker Mileage & Transp. Expense 187.20 Briggs Hlth Off. Supplies & Forms 210.00 Cantera Engineering Services 574.08 CarQuest Engineering Services 851.41 Casey's Transportation 270.70 Cville Iron Engineering Services 142.29 Cville Wtrwks Ongoing Rent Subsidy 272.31 Cville Wtrwks Rent & Utility Payments 60.97 Cville Wtrwks Water & Sewer 71.98 Central IA Det Juvenile Detention & Shel 262.50 Central IA Distributing Park Maint. & Supplies 587.10 Central IA Tourism Contrib. & Purchase Serv 500.00 Chariton Valley Elec Electric Light & Power 269.49 Chariton Valley Elec Utilities 129.47 City Cville Employee G.Ins-Co.Contrib 1018.68 City Cville Fica County Contribution 267.17 City Cville Ipers-County Contribution 311.87 City Cville Salary-Regular Employees 3492.35 City Cville Workmens' Comp. Ins. 10.48 City of Moulton Care of Soldiers Graves 298.00 City of Plano Maintenance Contract 207.41 City of Unionville Maintenance Contract 178.46 Deb Clark Mileage & Transp. Expense 168.75 Clark's Auto Rpr Engineering Services 15.00 Cornerhart Engineering Services 67.50 Culligan Off. Supplies & Forms 31.50 Davis Co Schools Community Support Program 13323.34 2 Davis Co ISU Ext Community Support Program 523.40 Fareway Food & Provisions 197.46 Brian Felton Rent Payments 550.00 First Bkcd Educational & Train.Serv. 171.54 First Res Inpatient Hospital 4452.80 Fogle TV Engineering Services 81.26 Fogle TV Equip. Parts & Supplies 101.48 Fogle TV. Off. Equip Repair & Main 37.97 Fogle TV Off. Supplies & Forms 53.14 Four R-D Equipment Repair 128.41 PJ Greufe Health Insurance 1500.00 T Hamilton Mileage & Transp. Expense 27.45 Highlander Mobile Home Pk Rent Payments 750.00 Homeline Med Medical Supplies 118.20 Hotsy Cleaning Systems Engineering Services 364.00 Housby Mack Engineering Services 435.67 Hy-Vee Food Preparation Service 2905.00 Hy-Vee Pharm Medical & Health Services 126.14 IDALS Animal Control 75.00 Iowa Transit Engineering Supplies 245.00 IA Workforce Off. Supplies & Forms 2672.50 Richard Irving Engineering Services 137.31 ISAC Dues & Memberships 5500.00 MATT JOHNSON Engineering Services 22.01 Junction Inn Ongoing Rent Subsidy 518.00 Karl Chevrolet Construction & Maint. 28206.10 Kimball Engineering Services 87.20 Kone Heat-Cool-Elevator-Rpr-Mn 300.15 Kratofil Auto Engineering Services 1206.13 L&W Quarries Engineering Services 5231.23 R Lamb Medical & Health Services 503.65 R Lamb Mileage & Transp. Expense 27.36 Lange FH Mileage & Transp. Expense 519.00 LexisNexis Dues & Memberships 100.00 Liberty Tire Engineering Services 250.00 Lockridge Bridge & Culvert Maint. 232.43 Lockridge Engineering Services 917.60 Lockridge Park Maint. & Supplies 251.76 Lucas Co Pub Hlth Community Support Program 2737.02 Max Lucas Ongoing Rent Subsidy 900.00 M&M Sales Off. Equip Repair & Maint 35.00 Main St Distr Equipment Repair 73.00 Mainstay Sys Computer Services 720.00 Mainstay Sys Law Enf. Equip & Weapons 210.00 Mallard View Residential Care Facility 2569.93 MFA Oil Engineering Services 436.00 MHC Kenworth Engineering Services 117.40 Nelson Miller Rent Payments 350.00 Monroe Co Ag Ext Community Support Program 1931.06 Monroe Pub Hlth Community Support Program 2316.75 2 Moravia Union Typing-Print.-Bind.Serv. 170.25 Myers Custom Signs Engineering Services 10.00 N Myers Mileage & Transp. Expense 49.95 NAPA Engineering Services 1093.51 New Focus Work Activities Services 2569.96 O'Reilly Engineering Services 151.68 Office Ctr Off. Supplies & Form 368.60 Optimae Inpatient Hospital 119.47 Orchard Pl Community Support Program 2873.22 L Owens Off. Supplies & Forms 18.34 Jeri Pershy Rent Payments 350.00 S Peterson Ongoing Rent Subsidy 550.00 Petty C-Sheriff Educational & Train.Serv. 8.11 Petty C-Sheriff Postage & Mailing .46 Print Shop Off. Supplies & Forms 54.40 Prof Computer Contrib. & Purchase Serv 14.95 Quill Off. Supplies & Forms 109.74 RASWC Engineering Services 44.80 RASWC Park Maint. & Supplies 51.20 RRWA Water & Sewer 71.00 Rise Broadband Telephone & Telegr.Serv. 51.45 L RUTHERFORD Mileage & Transp. Expense 113.40 L RUTHERFORD Postage & Mailing 16.25 SCICAP Community Support Program 8077.92 Seymour Herald Off. Supplies & Forms 76.80 J Sharp Evaluation-Non-Commitment 50.00 Shield Technology Off. Supplies & Forms 1000.00 SIEDA Community Support Program 13181.73 Solutions Computer & Microfilm Supp 992.00 Southern IA Dev & Conserv Flood & Erosion 500.00 Square View Design Public Education Services 400.00 Stephens-Peck Off. Supplies & Forms 85.00 UnityPoint Engineering Services 111.00 US Bank Visa Off. Supplies & Forms 100.91 US Cellular Engineering Supplies 51.91 US Cellular Telephone & Telegr.Serv. 292.78 USPS Postage & Mailing 114.00 Verizon Telephone & Telegr.Serv. 61.35 Walker Welding Engineering Services 480.63 Walmart Jail Equip. & Furniture 224.32 Windstream E911 Telephone Expense 1226.57 Windstream Telephone & Telegr.Serv. 213.71 Ziegler Engineering Services 1172.83 Iowa Trust Bank Payments 12827.23 Waits moved to approve bills as presented. Seconded by Smith. All ayes. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Attest: Linda Demry, County Auditor Resolution BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, this 20th day of July, 2015 in regular session of the Appanoose County Board of Supervisors, a motion was made by Smith and seconded by Waits to approve the sale of Tax Sale #2011-10678: Clark & Peatman's S 36.15', Lot 35, City of Centerville, Appanoose County, Iowa to Stacy L. Knapp for $5.00 plus one year's taxes, cost of recording the deed, and publication of public hearing notice. Upon receipt of the money the County will issue a tax sale deed. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Waits moved to accept the offer of a loss prevention survey from IMWCA for the county. Seconded by Smith. All voted aye. Kirby Moss presented the 6 month health insurance review. Diane Buss updated the board on CPC issues. County Engineer discussed secondary road projects. Smith moved to adjourn. Seconded by Waits. The Board adjourned to meet at the call of the Auditor. Appanoose County Board of Supervisors Attest: Linda Demry, County Auditor Runs 1x July 28th, 2015

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