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NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE State of Alabama Cullman County Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Angela Mikel, to Clark Sanders and wife, Wanda Sanders as mortgagees, with said mortgage having been recorded in Mortgage Book 1592, page 745, in the Office of The Judge of Probate of Cullman County, Alabama. Said mortgage was filed on the 3rd day of March, 2009. The undersigned, Wanda Sanders, the sole surviving mortgagee of said mortgage, said Wanda Sanders having survived the other mortgagee, Clark Sanders, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash or Certified funds before the main entrance of the Cullman County Courthouse in Cullman, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale ( between 11 AM and 4PM ), on the 15th day of September, 2015, the following property, situated in Cullman County, Alabama, to wit: Commence at the Southwest Corner, Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, thence North 00 Degrees 07 Minutes West 906.5 feet to Point of Beginning, thence continue North 00 Degrees 07 Minutes West 390 feet to South boundary of public road; thence along said boundary South 86 Degrees 15 Minutes East 298.6 feet and South 77 Degrees15 Minutes East 121 feet and South 53 Degrees 45 Minutes East 113.2 feet; thence Southwesterly 570 feet, more or less, to Point of Beginning; said property being in the Northwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter, Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, of Cullman County, Alabama and being 2.5 acres, more or less. LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: A tract of land being in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, Cullman County, Alabama, described as Commencing at the Southwest Corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, thence North 00 Degrees, 07 Minutes West 906.50 feet; thence North 80 Degrees40 Minutes, 56 Seconds, East, 31.87 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 10 Degrees, 51 Minutes, 53 Seconds, East, 384.33 feet to the Southerly Right-of Way of County Road 38; thence along said Right-of-Way a Chord bearing and distance of South 85 Degrees, 47 Minutes, 54 Seconds, East, 115 feet; thence South 26 Degrees, 53 Minutes, 24 Seconds, West, 413.76 feet to the Point of Beginning. Being 0.5 acres more or less, and less and except all Rights-of Way and easements of record. Subject to easements, restrictions, protective covenants and rights of way of record and subject to current taxes, a lien but not yet payable. Being the same property conveyed to Angela Mikel, by Warranty Deed dated the 24th day of March, 2009, and recorded on the 30th day of March, 2009, in Deed Book 586, Page 285, in the Office of the Probate Judge in Cullman County, Alabama. The indebtedness secured by said mortgage has been declared due and payable because of default under the terms of the Promissory Note secured by said mortgage, including but not limited to, non-payment of the indebtedness as and when due. The indebtedness remains in default and this sale will be made for the sole purpose of paying the same, including all expenses of the sale, attorney's fees, and all other payments provided for under the terms of said mortgage. Said property will be sold subject to the following items, which may affect the title to said real property: all zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the property; any outstanding taxes, including but not limited to, ad valorem taxes, which constitute liens upon said property; special assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities, which constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements, right-of-ways; the statutory right of redemption pursuant to Alabama law; and any other matters of record superior to said mortgage. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the mortgagor is deceased and no Probate Estate has been opened in Cullman County Alabama, for the mortgagor and no one is in possession of the premises at present. The mobile home that was on the property when financed, is no longer there and its whereabouts is unknown. Notice given by Wanda Sanders as holder of said mortgage. Mortgagor reserves the right to continue the sale from the sale date shown above. The Auctioneer will give the Purchaser an Auctioneer's Deed, subject to the Ad Valorem taxes due October 1, 2015, and subject to the other language herein concerning encumbrances, exceptions and potential liens and clouds on the title . Roy M. Johnson , III, authorized Attorney for Wanda Sanders, 4311 State Highway 160 NMR, POB 499, Hayden, Alabama, 35079, (205) 647-9400 The Law Firm of Roy M. Johnson, III, is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Roy M. Johnson, III, Attorney for Mortgagee, Wanda Sanders August 1, 8 and 15, 2015

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