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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Good Hope, will hold a public hearing on August 24, 2015 at 6:30 pm at Good Hope City Hall, 135 Municipal Drive, Cullman, AL 35057. At this time anyone wishing to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the adoption of Ordinance No. 007-2015(set forth in full below) will be given an opportunity to be heard. ORDINANCE NO. 008-2015 TO RE-ZONE CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY AS SET FORTH HEREIN BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GOOD HOPE, ALABAMA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. Under the authority of Chapter 52, Articles 1 through 4, Section 11-52-1 through Section 11-52-84, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended, and specifically Sections 11-52-77 and at the request of property owner, Roy Goodwin and Hazel Goodwin, the following describe the tract or parcel of land, to-wit: Commence at the intersection of the South right of way line of County Road 222 (based on 80 foot width) with the West line of said Southwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ and run South along the accepted West line a distance of 210 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 18 minutes 51 seconds East, a distance of 259.24 feet to a set rebar marking the point of beginning; thence run South 05 degrees 39 minutes 29 seconds East, a distance of 17.10 feet; thence South 89 degrees 18 minutes 51 seconds East, a distance of 127.20 feet to a point in the center of an old railroad bed; thence North 56 degrees 58 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 159.84 feet to a found pipe; thence North 46 degrees 41 minutes 28 seconds East, a distance of 176.66 feet to a found capped rebar thence North 59 degrees 44 minutes 08 seconds West, and run along the center of a ditch; a distance of 296.62 feet to a set rebar on the South right-of-way line of said County Road No. 222; thence South 69 degrees 07 minutes 57 seconds West, and run along said right-of-way line, a distance of 174.13 feet to a set rebar; thence South 05 degrees 39 minutes 29 seconds East, a distance of 278.58 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to any rights-of-way and/or easement of record. 2.2 Acres Parcel No: 17-09-32-0-001-010.001 PPIN: 065942 Physical Address: 1067 Co Rd 222 Cullman, AL 35057 Situated within the city limits of Good Hope, and lying and being in Cullman County, State of Alabama, heretofore designated as Ag-1 Agriculture District on the Zoning Map of the City of Good Hope, Alabama, and is hereby changed from Ag-1 Agriculture District to B-2 Business District. You may review map at Good Hope City Hall. 2. That this ordinance be published at least once a week for three consecutive weeks in advance of its final passage in a newspaper with general circulation within the municipality, the first publication of said notice and ordinance being verbatim and the second publication either verbatim or synopsized, with the last publication being published on August 14, 2015. 3. That a public hearing be held relative to the passage of this ordinance on the 24 day of August, 2015 at 6:30 p.m., at which time interested parties and citizens shall have the opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and any changes relating thereto. 4. That all notices as required by law be given by the City Clerk concerning said public hearing, and in addition thereto, a certified letter be sent by the Clerk to all contiguous property owners at their last known addresses as shown by the tax records for Cullman County, Alabama. 5. That upon final passage of this ordinance, all zoning maps, master comprehensive plans or any other documents of the City of Good Hope, Alabama, in conflict with this ordinance be and are hereby changed and amended to reflect the changes and amendments herein. 6. Should any part or portion of this ordinance be held invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, for whatever reason, by a court of competent jurisdiction, such ruling shall not affect any other part or portion of this ordinance. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage or adoption as required by law, including notice, publication and public hearing, all in accordance with Section 11-52-1, et seq., Code of Alabama 1975, as amended. Christie Chamblee, City Clerk July 31, 2015

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