PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., AUG. 8, 2015 10:00 A.M. Located at the Jim Clingan Auction Center, St. Joseph, IL 10 miles East of Champaign-Urbana, IL on I-74, (St. Joseph Exit- #192), then go mile North ANTIQUE, COLLECTIBLES: 2 matching love seats, couches, recliners; round Dinette/4 chairs; sev. boxes coin glass; Oak bdrm suite, full size; sm. Oak Curio cabinet; Oak hall bench; kitchen island; Oak end tables; lots of misc.; DR Suite, antique dressers, wardrobe; drop leaf table/4 chairs; 2 Campbell Coffee cans; lots of kitchen, household items; sev. boxes cut glass, crystal; twin bed; Famous Artist cartoon course-1956, set of 3; Air compressor, almost new; Oak bread bowl; Antique 4 stack Barrister book case; deer stand; LAWN &GARDEN: NOTE: Large Auction. Better items from 4 estates. Good, quality antiques & collectibles to unpack! FLESNER ESTATE, HAYN ESTATE, 2 others AUCTION & REALTY 217.469.2500 www.jimclingan.com P.O. Box 1047, ST. JOSEPH, IL 61873