Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF LIMESTONE NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Default having been made in the payment of indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage dated the 22nd day of August, 2006, executed by Thomas O. Boyd and Charlene W. Boyd, husband and wife, to Regions Bank, which mortgage is recorded as Book 2006, Page 63519 in the Probate Records of Limestone County, Alabama, and which mortgage was subsequently assigned to Greenwich Investors XLIV REO, LLC, which assignment is recorded as Book 2015, Page 35433 in the Probate Records of Limestone County, Alabama. The undersigned has elected to declare the entire indebtedness secured by the said mortgage to be due and payable as provided in said mortgage and notice is hereby given that pursuant to law and the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the undersigned will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main Door of the Limestone County Courthouse, City of Athens, Alabama, within the legal hours of sale, on the 14th day of December, 2015, the following described real estate situated in Limestone County, Alabama, to-wit: TRACT 1 Tracts 32 and 33 of Fort Hampton Farms Subdivision by Henry E. and Adah C. Neal, according to map thereof on file in the Probate Office of Limestone County, Alabama, in Plat Book “C”, and TRACT 2 Tract 30 of Fort Hampton Farms Subdivision by Henry E. and Adah C. Neal, according to Map thereof on file in the Probate Office of Limestone County, Alabama in Plat Book “C” LESS AND EXCEPT THEREFROM that portion of the same heretofore conveyed to Leonard B. Smith and Nellie Ray Smith by deed recorded in Volume 678, page 32 in the Probate Office of Limestone County, Alabama, which real estate is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Begin at a point on the West boundary of Tract 30 of Fort Hampton Farms Subdivision by Henry E. and Adah C. Neal according to the Map thereof on file in the Probate Office of Limestone County, Alabama, in Plat Book “C”, 332 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Tract 30, and run thence North along the West boundary of said Tract 30, 1143 feet to the Northwest corner of said Tract 30, Thence East along the North boundary of said Tract 30, 10 feet; thence South and parallel with the West boundary of Tract 30 to a point that is 10 feet East to the POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence West 10 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TRACT 3 Begin at a point on the East boundary of Tract 29 of Fort Hampton Farms Subdivision by Henry E. and Adah C. Neal, according to Map thereof on file in the Probate Office of Limestone County, Alabama, in Plat Book “C”, 70 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Tract 29; thence South along the East boundary of said Tract 29, 70 feet to the Southeast corner of said Tract 29; thence in a Westerly direction along the South boundary of said Tract 29, 141 feet; thence North and parallel with the East boundary of said Tract 29, 57 feet; thence East to POINT OF BEGINNING. WHICH PROPERTY HAS BEEN RE-SUBDIVIDED AND IS NOW KNOWN AS FOLLOWS: TRACT 1, TRACT 2, TRACT 3, TRACT 4, and TRACT 5 of Fort Hampton Farms Subdivision II as recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Limestone County, Alabama in Plat book H, Page 125, a resubdivision of Tract 32, Tract 33, and a part of Tract 29, and a part of Tract 30 of Fort Hampton Farms Subdivision, Limestone County, Alabama. THIS SALE IS LESS AND EXCEPT: TRACT 2 of Fort Hampton Farms Subdivision II as recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Limestone County, Alabama in Plat book H, Page 125, a resubdivision of Tract 32, Tract 33, and a part of Tract 29, and a part of Tract 30 of Fort Hampton Farms Subdivision, Limestone County, Alabama. This property is subject to all easements, restrictions and covenants that may or may not be of record. This is a continuance of the sale originally set for November 13, 2015 and continued to December 14, 2015. Said sale is made for the purpose of paying the same indebtedness and the expenses incident to this sale, including a reasonable attorney's fee. Greenwich Investors XLIV REO, LLC BY: Gary P. Wolfe Wolfe, Jones, Wolfe, Hancock, Daniel, & South, L.L.C. 905 Bob Wallace Avenue Huntsville, Alabama 35801 The News Courier December 2, 2015

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